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European Legumes in Transition Conference from LegValue and TRUE

Two Crop Diversification Cluster projects, LegValue and TRUE, host the conference April 14th-15th, 2021 in Brussels.

The TRUE-Project has largely focussed on innovations with legumes beyond the farm gate and has studied the impact their adoption might have on the supply networks. The LEGVALUE-project on the other hand has focussed on studies at farmer and regional production level and values along the supply chain. These projects are led by Frederic Muel of Terres Innovia and Pete Iannetta of the James Hutton Institute (respectively). As the projects draw their conclusions “European Legumes in Transition” conference will deliver its findings, hear from leading influencers how they believe legumes can be exploited to deliver a more sustainable and environmentally resilient agricultural system for Europe, and the opportunities that exist to realise the transitions envisaged.

Their common aim has been to examine the levers influencing increased legume production and to identifying opportunities to encourage transition in production systems, the ultimate aim being increased European self-sufficiency in plant protein production, and to optimise the role of legumes in that. Both projects have worked closely to maximise their impact using numerous real-life commercial Case Studies, at both pilot and full-commercial scales to generate their insights. The multi-national multi-partner consortia have spent four years piecing together an image of the components which comprise the European Union’s food systems, and which is best summarised as ‘fragmented’. They have identiied transition paths enabling home-grown legumes in more sustainable food- and feed-value chain in the Europe. The findings and contributions from these projects will be presented at this conference. 

This is a significant knowledge transfer and networking event, attendance will be limited to 150 people and is expected to attract an audience representing the entire legume-focused supply chain stakeholders from across Europe. 

Conference details: 

  • When: April 14 - 15th April 2021
  • Place: Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union, Rue Montoyer 47, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
  • Registration: via, linked below. Attendence limited to 150 people.
  • Language: English 

For more information on registration, event details, etc. please follow the linked below.

Further information


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